Wednesday 7 September 2022

  Translation and Remeasurement

Lets discuss translation and remeasurement in simple words

Translation - Converting foreign currency balances of your subsdiary into functional currency of your parent entity.

It is when company is doing investing activities.

It is foreign currency into functional currency.

Remeasurement - Converting financial numbers or accounting into functional currency to calculate the actual net income.

It is when company is doing operating activities.

It is accounting into functional currency. 

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Useful Feature of Oracle Financials - Accounting Automation

Lets learn some quick key points of this feature

1. Accounting automation automatically runs your daily activities of accounting process.

2. Accounting automation takes out the exception errors.

3. Accounting automation sends the error exceptions directly to the concerned user.

How to enable it:
1. Go to setup and maintenance
2. Click on task and then on offerings
3. Select offerings - Financials

Wednesday 6 July 2022

 Consolidation Concepts to be kept in mind

Things to keep in mind while doing consolidation

1. Elimination of intercompany entries -  Elimination of entries which are recorded within internal subsidiaries as we don't want to include them in our consolidation as we need to see the true picture of third party transactions.

2. Eliminate Minority Interest - Eliminating minority interest percentage value from the retained earnings account so that true picture of how much the company has the holding percent is shown in financial results.

Friday 1 July 2022

 Earned and Unearned Discount in Receivables

Lets understand this in easy words

1. Earned Discount - Given to the customer if the payment is received before the payment term expiry. It is given according to the setup done.

2. Unearned Discount - Given to the customer after the payment terms expiry and if the discount is to be given intentionally over and above the invoice amount.

Tuesday 21 June 2022

 Receivables - Invoicing rules and accounting rules

Lets learn some quick concepts of Invoicing rules and Accounting rules in Oracle Receivables

So, there are 2 rules  :

1. Invoicing rules - These are applied on the invoice header level. They are of 2 types - bills in arears and bills in advance. 

Bills in arears - Recognize the receivable at the end of the revenue recognition.
accounting entry - unbilled receivable Dr
                              Revenue Cr

                              Receivable Dr
                              unbilled receivable Cr

Bills in advance - Recognize the receivable at the start of the revenue recognition.
accounting entry - Receivable Dr
                               Unearned Revenue Cr
                               Unearned revenue Cr
                               Revenue Dr

2. Accounting rules - Applied at the line level. Could be applied at each line separately. 

Types - Fixed, Variable, Duration, daily revenue all periods and daily revenue partial periods.

Tuesday 14 June 2022

 Types of Pre-Payments

Lets understand in simple words the meaning and types of pre-payments

Pre-Payment - 

A payment that you make to the suppliers in anticipation of their goods and services. In other words its an advance payment to a supplier.


1. Temporary - 

For which you ought to receive an invoice in near future. For eg - Deposit to a hotel

2. Permanent - 

No invoices to be received in the future. For eg - lease deposit.

Tuesday 7 June 2022

Adjustments in Fixed Assets

 Adjustments in Fixed Assets

Cost adjustment of a fixed asset

In this short article, I would quickly tell you the 2 types of adjustments in fixed asset module

1. Expense Adjustment - Prospective
2. Amortized Adjustment - Retrospective

Expense Adjustment - In simple words it is that adjustment which calculates the depreciation on the latest cost adjustment done by dividing it with the life of the asset.

Amortized Adjustment - In simple words it is that adjustment which calculates the depreciation by subtracting the depreciation till date from the new cost adjustment done.

Pre-requisites - Run the depreciation and close the period.

Monday 14 March 2022


Accounting &reporting sequence in oracle cloud

 What is Accounting and reporting sequence in oracle cloud



In this post we will see accounting and reporting sequence in detail in oracle cloud. We will also see the importance of accounting and reporting sequence. 



What is a sequence?


A sequence is a unique number generated by the system and assigned to an application transaction, which is used to uniquely identify the transaction in the system.


For example each transaction in the system in general ledger is assigned a unique sequence in ascending order, a missing number in the sequence would probably denotes that the journal is deleted and raises a flag for auditors.


What is accounting and reporting sequence in oracle cloud?


What is Accounting sequence ?


Accounting sequence is assigned to a GL journal once the journals are posted and is assigned to a subledger transaction / journals once they complete accounting.



What is Reporting sequence? 


Reporting sequence is assigned to a GL journal or a subledger journal transaction once we perform the period closure. Once we close the period in general ledger , the system it self triggers a child program "Create reporting sequence" and assigns reporting sequence to the journals. 




What is journal entry type and sequencing event in accounting and reporting sequence?


1) Journal entry type : General ledger 


    Sequencing event : Posting 


    This combination will create the accounting sequence for the general ledger journals.


2) Journal entry type : General ledger 


    Sequencing event : Period Close


    This combination will create the reporting sequence for the general ledger journals.




3) Journal entry type : Subledger


    Sequencing event : Subledger Accounting


    This combination will create the accounting sequence for the subledger journals.


2) Journal entry type : Subledger 


    Sequencing event : Period Close


    This combination will create the reporting sequence for the subledger journals.


  General Ledger 24B: Accounting Data Archive and Purge 1. Setup and Maintenance - Manage Archive and Purge Policies 2. Select archive and p...